Tag Archives: Writing

Special Parents Confidential 41 Understanding Learning Disorders Part 1

Understanding Learning Disorders Part 1.

ADD. ADHD. Dyslexia. Dysgraphia. Dyscalculia. Understanding learning disorders might be one of the most difficult challenges any parent can face. We’ve known about these disorders for centuries, and the medical names for them have been in place for decades. But there’s still a lot of misinformation and incorrect beliefs when it comes to learning disorders. And these incorrect beliefs can cause a lifetime of needless problems for those who have learning disorders.

This Episode Is Part One.

My guest for these episodes has such a large amount of information and research to share that the interview I recorded with him took over two and a half hours. I had to split the interview into two episodes because if I had tried to post the original recording in it’s entirety, the file size exceeds the limit that my web hosting service allows.

Dr. John McCaskill, of McCaskill Family Services in the Detroit, MI area, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in learning disorders. He’s spent years researching the causes and the affects of learning disorders, and has done extensive work in finding the right solutions and therapies. The one thing he makes clear is that so much of what we think we know about learning disorders is incorrect or misleading. Dr. McCaskill fully explains his methods of research and breaks down exactly how learning disorders affect those who have them.

Learning Differently.

In this first part of the interview, Dr. McCaskill discusses the many misconceptions and incorrect beliefs about learning disorders. People with learning disorders are not lazy. They’re not deliberately refusing to learn. They have, according to Dr. McCaskill, ‘glitches in the brain’ that causes them to learn differently, and given the correct methods, they can be educated just as successfully as those who don’t have those issues. He also goes into great detail about ADD and ADHD, what Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is, and just as importantly, what it is not.

As I say in my introduction to this episode, what you’re about to hear is nothing short of a master class in learning disorders. 

Of course please be sure to share this episode with everyone you know. Just use the social media buttons at the bottom of this posting.

Further Information:

McCaskill Family Services, located in the Detroit Michigan Metro Area.

Special Parents Confidential Episode 16 Gigi’s Playhouse Part 1

Special Parents Confidential Episode 16 Gigi’s Playhouse

For many parents one of the challenges in raising a child with special needs is finding the right therapy for your child. Sometimes we get lucky and find the right kind of therapy right near where we live. Unfortunately for some people there’s nothing nearby that can help. Travel can be an option depending on distance, and financial ability.  But for many the only option is to simply wait and hope that the therapy will someday come to them.

Then there are those who don’t wait. They decide that they will do what it takes to bring the therapy to their area to help others as well as themselves. Our guest on this episode of Special Parents Confidential is someone who is doing that right now.

Mika Vuto is the mother of a young girl with Down Syndrome. Although there are therapies available in her town of Gainesville, Florida, there was one group she had heard about, Gigi’s Playhouse, that looked like an incredible asset that could help many people… because they offer their services for free. Unfortunately the closest Gigi’s Playhouse was in Atlanta, Georgia.

Finally Mika decided to open her own franchise of Gigi’s Playhouse in Gainesville. She talks to us in this episode about her journey from a mom looking for help to a community leader who wants to make a difference for her daughter and many other families with members affected with Down Syndrome. She also talks about the services Gigi’s Playhouse offer to children and parents.

The Gainesville Florida Gigi’s Playhouse is scheduled to open in 2015. You can find out more about them and learn how to make a contribution to help by visiting their Facebook Page. You can also learn about their progress on their blog.

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