Tag Archives: Conductive Learning Center

MSU Announces Study for Kids with Cerebral Palsy in Michigan.

MSU Announces Study for Kids with Cerebral Palsy in Michigan.

A new Conductive Education Evaluation Project (CEEP) study is being conducted by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Michigan State University. They are looking for children in Michigan who have been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, and are between the ages of 2 and 6.

From the brochure:

“Conductive Education (CE) combines the development of physical, social, and thinking skills in a daily educational program for children with motor disabilities such as CP or spina bifida. It’s goal is to teach children how to make the most use of their muscles and to encourage social interaction and independence. Children learn in a small group setting with attention to individual needs. Many CE activities use rhythm, music, a specially designed exercise equipment.

Conductive Education was developed in Hungary in 1945 and is currently practiced in over 30 countries. Grand Rapids’ private, non-profit Conductive Learning Center was established in 1998. Find more information about CLC’s work at its website: Conductive Learning Center.”

Who Is Eligible To Participate

“We’re recruiting 2-6 year olds who are residents of the State of Michigan, diagnosed with cerebral palsy, offering a free 4-week session at the Grand Rapids, Michigan Conductive Learning Center, whose program we are studying.  Because CEEP is funded by the Michigan Department of Education, children must be state residents to participate.”

What happens when you enroll?

“You and your child will be interviewed by the CLC director for eligibility in the study.

If eligible, your child will be assessed with standardized tests to learn about their movement abilities. These assessments can be enjoyable for children. Assessments will be videotaped with copies available on request.

Parents will be asked to complete several questionnaires about their child’s physical and social skills and activities.

At no cost, your child will receive a four-week Conductive Education session (a total of 60 to 100 hours) at CLC.”

The Conductive Education Evaluation Project (CEEP)

“CEEP is a research project designed at Michigan State University by the Cerbral Palsy Outreach Network (CPON) team. The study will compare the effectiveness of Conductive Education to other cerebral palsy services for children ages 2-6. Families will be asked to participate i a free four week long Conductive Education session that fits their child’s age and abilities.”

How To Enroll:

Download the following CEEP Study Brochure .pdf for more details.

ceep study brochure

Or contact:

Deborah Weiland, MSN,                                                                                                                           CEEP Study Coordinator Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics                                             909 Fee Road, B601                                                                                                                            Michigan State University                                                                                                                        East Lansing, MI 48824                                                                                                                                              Ph: 517-432-7182 / Toll Free 877-417-6824                                                                                       Email: dweiland@epi.msu.edu