Pill Swallowing Instructional Video

Pill Swallowing Instructional Video.

Whether it’s taking vitamins, nutritional supplements, or medicine, swallowing pills can be a challenge. Children often have difficulty swallowing tablets. For that matter, many adults have problems with this too.

As many medical professionals will tell you, most tablet medicines are meant to be swallowed whole. Crushing or chewing tablets can actually decrease a medicine’s effectiveness. The same holds true for vitamin and nutritional supplements. Blending tablets into other foods can often change the taste of the food, which makes unhappy kids.

This is why when a friend of ours sent us this video, we knew we had to share it with you. Produced by the Alberta Children’s Hospital, The New Method of Swallowing can help anyone learn how to swallow tablets, no matter what size. We recommend watching this video first and then with your kids to practice. They suggest working on the method for two weeks, which allows you and your children to get comfortable with the method.

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